Thursday, March 20, 2008

S.H.A.F.T. Ep. 1 {Untitled}

I totally scripted or just wrote letters on paper. I'm gonna like... go back or something and probably add jokes but pretty much it doesn't make sense anyway you put it. Next I'm gonna make a C. Moth opening sequence and a very tedious yet beautiful opening theme to the beauteous song, The Nature Anthem by Granddaddy. So yeah. And by the way to anyone reading this, all one of you: I will try and produce stuff more often because I think that it's for the fans and, you need entertainment.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Holy Shizznite it has been a while.

Dear anyone and everyone.
I've decided to start back up again.
I've also decided to end The Adventures of Megatron Jimmy Bob Jr. the 5th and begin anew. It will contain most characters, some will be new.
The new series is called: Super Happy Awesome Fun Time or S.H.A.F.T. for short. In my words ill call its ATHF meets a LOST kinda mystery show.
I'll probably be pre-producing it this week and it will be out by the first week of April.
Also to any actual fans, spread the word. Infect another human with the audacity of C. Moth Productions.
Peace, I'm Outty.